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(Pro)seminar on computer-assisted mathematics

Picture of the Lean interface in VS Code

Florent Schaffhauser
Heidelberg University
Summer Semester 2023


The purpose of this (pro)seminar is give an introduction to computer-assisted mathematics, in particular the computer algebra system Sage and the interactive theorem prover Lean.

  • Target audience: Bachelor students.
  • Language of instruction: English.
  • Time and place: 4-6pm on Wednesdays, in Seminar Room Statistik (INF 205).
  • Zulip channel:     (please contact me by email to register).
  • GitHub repository:   Comp_assisted_math (branch: 2023_SoSe)  
  • Online classroom: Zoom coordinates sent through Müsli and available on the Zulip channel.

This seminar is intended for beginners. More experienced students are welcome to participate as mentors/tutors.


Topics of linear algebra to be covered in the seminar:

  • Computer algebra systems. Representations of vectors and matrices.
  • Row operations. Gaussian elimination. Row-reduced echelon form of a matrix.
  • Invertible matrices. Elementary matrices. Determinant.
  • Linear independence. Bases for the kernel and the image of a linear transformation.
  • Rank-nullity theorem and the row space of matrix. Basis for the row space.
  • Base change. Coordinates of a vector, matrix of a linear transformation.
  • Eigenvalues and the characteristic polynomial. Diagonalisation.
  • The Gram-Schmidt process. Least-square approximation.

Aspects of the Lean programming language to be covered in the seminar:

  • Installation of a proof assistant. Familiarisation with the interface.
  • The Natural Number Game (Peano axioms and the induction principle).
  • Equality and computations (tactics to prove algebraic identities).
  • Implications and equivalences (propositional logic).
  • Predicates and quantifiers (first-order logic).
  • Contraposition and proof by contradiction (proof tactics).
  • Formalisation of basic mathematical statements.


# Date Topic Speaker Slides Code
1 19/04 Introductory meeting Florent Schaffhauser
2 26/04 Matrices in Sage (introduction) Florent Schaffhauser
3 03/05 Intro to Git + Assignment #1 Working in pairs
4 17/05 Kernels, images and diagonalisation + Working in pairs Working in pairs
5 24/05 Least squares approximation + Project prepararation Working in pairs
6 31/05 Project presentation
7 07/06 Introduction to Lean Florent Schaffhauser
8 14/06 Natural Number Game Working in pairs
9 28/06 Functions and logical implications Florent Schaffhauser
10 05/07 Project preparation + Assignment #2 Working in pairs
11 19/07 Project preparation (+ solution to Assignment #2) Working in pairs
12 26/07 Project presentation