Introduction to Lean

Author: Florent Schaffhauser, Uni-Heidelberg, Summer Semester 2023

Lean is a programming language that can be used as a proof assistant (also called an interactive theorem prover).

This means that Lean can be used to check and certify the correctness of certain computer programmes and formalised mathematical proofs.

It was created and first implemented by Leonardo de Moura at Microsoft Research, where the first version was launched in 2013.

The current version is Lean 4, dating back to 2021. It is not backwards-compatible wih Lean 3, which is the version that we use for the purposes of this seminar.

Types and terms

In Lean, we have access to certain data types, which are part of the language.

The command #check tells us the type of an expression, for instance char for a character, string for a string of characters, and (also called nat) for an integer. This last one will turn out to be of a different “nature” than the first two.

If #check t returns T, one says that t is a term of type T. This is abbreviated to t : T.

#check 'H'
#check "Hello, world!"
#check 42

#check "Hello, ".append( "world!" )
#check 41 + 1

The data types string and are themselves terms of type Type. You can obtain the symbol by typing \nat or \N followed by the space bar. You can also just use nat instead of .

#check string
#check ℕ 
#check nat

Not all data types are terms of type Type. Some are more complex than that, for instance the type list.

#check [ "Hello, ", "world!" ]
#check [ 1, 2, 3 ]

-- We will see later what the following result means.

#check list

If T is a type, list T is the type of lists of terms of type T. We will see later how the lists of terms of type T are defined.

#check list string
#check list nat 

Note that we cannot have a list containing terms of different types. Nor can we have a list of lists, which might be counterintuitive compared to other programming languages you may know (it comes from the way list is defined, which we will see later.)

Uncomment the following commands to see that indeed Lean does not accept them.

-- #check [ 1, "a" ]
-- #check list list 
-- #check list list nat

A particularly important type for us will be the type Prop, which he used to denote the type whose terms are formal statements, regardless of whether they are true or not.

Note that a formal statement does not have to be a mathematical statement. And if it is a mathematical statement, it does not have to be correct.

#check 1 + 1 = 2
#check 1 + 1 = 3

#check "Hello, ".append("world!") = "Hello, world!"

All three terms above are natural numbers, but Lean does not perform any kind of computation to check whether the equality in the statement is true or not.

#check 1 + 1 
#check 2
#check 3

However, we can evaluate certain expressions and see whether the result corresponds to what we think these expressions are.

Not all expressions can be evaluated, though.

#eval 1 + 1 
#eval "Hello, ".append("world!")

– Uncomment the next two lines to see that the proposed terms cannot be evaluated

-- #eval 1 + 1 = 2
-- #eval "Hello, ".append("world!") = "Hello, world!"

If we look at the term of type Prop 1 + 1 = 2, we see that it looks like something that should be provable, and in a formal sense. In fact it is so, and we will soon learn how to write a proof of it.

But first, a word about the syntax. And expression of the form def t : T, where t is of type T, means that that we are about to define a term t that will be of type T.

The def is used to store a data type and keep a record of it, which will enable us to call it later, for instance via the command #print or inside another definition. This can be applied to all the examples seen so far.

In order to use the recorded terms later, we choose names that are easy to remember (for instance we do not use Def_1 or similar labels as names).

def my_first_sentence : string := "Hello, world!"
def my_favourite_integer : ℕ := 42

#check my_first_sentence
#check my_favourite_integer

-- #print my_first_sentence
-- #print my_favourite_integer

def my_second_sentence : string := "Hello, ".append("world!")
def my_brother_s_favourite_integer : nat := 41 + 1

#check my_second_sentence
#check my_brother_s_favourite_integer

-- #print my_second_sentence
-- #print my_brother_s_favourite_integer

Now let us see a particularly important case, in which we define a term of type P for Pa term of type Prop. The meaning of such a definition is encapsulated in the following slogan.

If P is a term of type Prop, then defining a term of type P means proving P.

As earlier, the actual definition of a term p : P comes after the := symbol. So here, what comes after := will be the proof of the proposition P. If we do not know what to put after that symbol, we can always write sorry and come back to it later.

Seeing a proposition P as a type, and terms of type P as proofs of P, is known as the Curry-Howard correspondence.

-- def one_plus_one_eq_two : 1 + 1 = 2 := sorry
-- #check one_plus_one_eq_two 

-- def my_two_sentences_are_the_same : my_first_sentence = my_second_sentence := sorry
-- #check my_two_sentences_are_the_same

-- def my_brother_and_I_agree : my_favourite_integer = my_brother_s_favourite_integer := sorry 
-- #check my_brother_and_I_agree 

It is also possible to declare these as theorems, using the command theorem. Let us do it below but in a separate “environment”, so there is no conflict and we can use the same name for the theorem as we did for the def.

We can enter a different environment by using the command namespace. The name playground is arbitrary. However, we cannot use it more than once in the entire document.

namespace playground 

-- theorem one_plus_one_eq_two : 1 + 1 = 2 := sorry
-- #check one_plus_one_eq_two 

-- theorem my_two_sentences_are_the_same : my_first_sentence = my_second_sentence := sorry
-- #check my_two_sentences_are_the_same

-- theorem my_brother_and_I_agree : my_favourite_integer = my_brother_s_favourite_integer := sorry 
-- #check my_brother_and_I_agree 

end playground

Note that Theorems my_two_sentences_are_the_same and my_brother_and_I_agree can be written in a way that resembles Theorem one_plus_one_eq_two more.

On the one hand, it is less readable. On the other hand, the information is more directly visible.

namespace Spielplatz 

-- theorem my_two_sentences_are_the_same : "Hello, world!" = "Hello, ".append("world!") := sorry
-- #check my_two_sentences_are_the_same

-- theorem my_brother_and_I_agree : 42 = 41 + 1 := sorry 
-- #check my_brother_and_I_agree 

end Spielplatz

Proving equalities

Let us finally prove the results stated above. There at least three ways to write these proofs, more or less concise, and we will present all three.

Note that what all our statement have in common is that they are equalities. Now, in Lean, this is a strong requirement: an equality between terms in Lean means that the two terms are definitionally equivalent.

It is difficult at this moment to explain what this means, but basically it says that 1 + 1 = 2 holds because the terms 1 + 1 and 2 have the same formal definition.

The point is, if you have to prove an equality, you should first try to see if it holds by definition. This will indeed be the case for 1 + 1 = 2.

First way of writing the proof : tactic mode

Proofs are usually written using the tactic mode, which we enter with a begincommand and exit with an end command.

At the end of the proof, one should get a goals accomplished message in the local context to the right of the VS Code / CoCalc window (the Infoview tab).

This will not happen, though, if you do not put a comma before the end command.

The tactic we use here is called reflexivity which you can think of as saying that if two terms a and b have the same definition according to Lean, then the equality a = b is true. It can abbreviated to refl.

def one_plus_one_eq_two : 1 + 1 = 2 := 

-- def one_plus_one_eq_two : 1 + 1 = 2 := 
-- begin
--   refl,
-- end

Exercise 1

Use the reflexivity tactic to prove the results below.

-- def my_two_sentences_are_the_same : my_first_sentence = my_second_sentence := 
-- begin
--   sorry,
-- end

-- def my_brother_and_I_agree : my_favourite_integer = my_brother_s_favourite_integer := 
-- begin
--   sorry,
-- end

Second way of writing the proof: compact tactic mode

For short tactic proofs like this, we can dispense with the beginend and replace it with a by { *name-of-the-tactic* }.

You can play around with the examples below, but do not forget to first comment out the definitions introduced above, because I have used the same name in both cases.

-- def one_plus_one_eq_two : 1 + 1 = 2 := by { reflexivity }

def my_two_sentences_are_the_same : my_first_sentence = my_second_sentence := by { reflexivity }

-- def my_brother_and_I_agree : my_favourite_integer = my_brother_s_favourite_integer := by { reflexivity }

Third way of writing the proof: proof terms

A tactic proof is mostly useful when we reach a certain level of complexity, which requires that said proof be carried out in various steps (tactic mode is also the way proofs are usually constructed in the daily practice of mathematics).

But in any case, what Lean does is compile the tactic proof into a proof term, which becomes accessible via the #print command.

We can then use that proof term to provide a proof without entering tactic mode, simply by copying the proof term generated via the #print command (it will appear in the Infoview* tab if you put the keyboard cursor on the same line as the #print command) and pasting it after the := symbol.

We test this out below with the my_brother_and_I_agree proposition. Note that, in this case, Lean does not generates a goal accomplished message (this is only in tactic mode). If you use a proof term, the only way to know it worked is via the absence of an error message.

-- #print my_two_sentences_are_the_same

-- def my_two_sentences_are_the_same : my_first_sentence = my_second_sentence := eq.refl my_first_sentence

def my_brother_and_I_agree : my_favourite_integer = my_brother_s_favourite_integer := eq.refl my_favourite_integer

Exercise 2

Use a proof term to write a proof of 1 + 1 = 2.

Note that eq.refl ( 1 + 1 ) and eq.refl 2 work equally well and check that this is also the case for the definitions of the terms my_two_sentences_are_the_same and my_brother_and_I_agree.

At this stage, it might be instructive to try out #check eq.refl 2 and #check eq.refl ( 1 + 1 ). Or even #check eq.refl my_favourite_integer and #check eq.refl my_first_sentence. See below for the corresponding code and a remark on the content of eq.refl 2.

Try also #check eq.refl and #check @eq.refl. Using @ should produce something better-looking.

def one_plus_one_eq_two_again : 1 + 1 = 2 := eq.refl (1 + 1)

The following command #check eq.refl 2 returns eq.refl 2 : 2 = 2, which means that eq.refl 2 is a term of type 2 = 2. In other words, eq.refl 2 is a proof of the Proposition 2 = 2. This is crucial in understanding how Lean works.

#check eq.refl 2

-- #check eq.refl ( 1 + 1 )
-- #check eq.refl my_favourite_integer
-- #check eq.refl my_first_sentence

-- #check eq.refl
-- #check @eq.refl

In Exercise 2, the term which is being defined has been given a different name: it is still a term of type 1 + 1 = 2 but now it is called one_plus_one_eq_two_again.

So we now have two terms of type 1 + 1 = 2, namely one_plus_one_eq_two and one_plus_one_eq_two_again. We will now prove that they are equal, using the only tactic we have for now!

def the_two_proofs_we_gave_are_equal : one_plus_one_eq_two = one_plus_one_eq_two_again := by { refl }

To conclude this session, let us see an example of a case when we do not get what we might expect at all. If we write to write fractions naively, we see that the types of those terms is not what we think it is.

#check 42 / 21
#check 1 / 3
#check 0.5

#eval 42 / 21
#eval 1 / 3
#eval 0.5

#eval 1 / 2

The above fact comes from the definition of the operation /, which is not what we might expect. And since this is a definition, we can prove funny identities. To understand the following, note that 42 / 15 = 2.8 as decimal numbers.

#eval 42 / 15
#eval 2.8

def fun_fact_1 : 42 / 15 = 2 := eq.refl ( 42 / 15 ) 
def fun_fact_2 : 2.8 = 2 := eq.refl ( 42 / 15 ) 
def fun_fact_3 : 2.8 = 2.7 := eq.refl ( 42 /15 ) 

As a final remark, we point out that, in Lean, it is possible to introduce anonymous definitions, via the example command. This can be useful if it is a definition of a term that we do not plan to use again after introducing it and we do not want to waste a name on it.

example : 2.8 = 2.7 := by { refl }