Functions and logical implications

Author: Florent Schaffhauser, Uni-Heidelberg, Summer Semester 2023

Our goal in this file is to keep exploring basic definitions and tactics in Lean. It is a direct follow-up to the previous Introduction to Lean.

The main objective today is to learn about functions:

As a matter of fact, we have already seen an important example of a function, in the modus ponens file, where we also learned about the following tactics:

In what follows, we will encounter new tactics:

Recall that in week1.lean, we also learned about the reflexivity tactic, usually abbreaviated to refl.

We start by importing the data.nat.pow library, which will be used in this file. The import command must be used at the beginning of the .lean file.

As a consequence of this import, the basic goals accomplished message of Lean gets upgraded to the fancy goals accomplished 🎉 version :-)

import data.nat.pow

Defining a function

There are several ways to define a function in Lean, all of them useful depending on the context.

The basic type-theoretical aspect behind what we are about to see is that, if X and Y are types, then we can construct terms of type X → Y, which is the type of functions from X to Y (the symbol is called a constructor).

We have already seen several types, for instance (the type of natural numbers), (the type of integers), but also Prop, char, string or list ℕ. A #check command on any one of those will reveal that these types are all terms of type Type (note the capitalized T in Type here), which is the type with which we will be working most of the time. Indeed, if X and Y are terms of type Type, then the type X → Y is also a term of type Type, as we shall see in the examples below.

First definition of a function

The basic syntax presented below should be thought of as a precise version of the intuitive notation f₁(n) := - 2 * n + 5, which means that f₁(n) is defined to be equal - 2 * n + 5. This is certainly meaningful if we specify that n is a term for which the expression - 2 * n + 5 makes sense, for instance n : ℤ, in which case - 2 * n + 5 is also a term of type . So this will define a term f₁ : ℤ → ℤ, ¡.e. a function from to .

The notation f₁ obtained via f\1.

Of course we could also want to define f₁ as a function ℕ → ℤ (i.e. a sequence of integers), in which case we need to be more careful with the syntax. Here is a definition of such a function f₁ that is fully precise, in which n is a term of type and f₁(n) (also denoted simply by f₁ n, without a need for parentheses) is a term of type .

def f₁ (n : ℕ) : ℤ := - 2 * n + 5

#check f₁
#check f₁ 5
#eval f₁ 5

Note that, if you print f₁, you will see that Lean introduces a symbol , which is a coercion. meaning that the natural number n : ℕ is coerced (forcely converted) into an integer n : ℤ, for which the term - 2 * n + 5 makes sense.

-- #print f₁

If we declare f₁ to be a function from to instead, then we do not need to indicate the type of f₁ n in the definition, because for n of type , the term - 2 * n + 5 is automatically recognised as being of type .

def f (n : ℤ) := - 2 * n + 5

#check f
#check f 5
#eval f 5

Second definition of a function

Next, we define the same function one more time, but in a slightly different way, emphasising in the declaration that f₂ is a term of type ℕ → ℤ. This makes the first part of the defintion perhaps slightly more readable but then, after the := sign, we have to introduce the term n using the λ notation, which gives its name to λ-calculus.

In the definition of f₂, I indicated the coercion symbol explicitly, but it is not necessary (the symbol is obtained by typing in \u, as in up).

def f₂ : ℕ → ℤ := λ n, -2 * ↑n + 5

#check f₂
#check f₂ 5
#eval f₂ 5

Using the command #print reveals that f₁ and f₂ are indeed the same function, and this is something we can actually prove. Since this is true by definition, we can prove it using the refl tactic.

-- #print f₂

def f1_and_f2_are_the_same_function : f₁ = f₂ := by { refl }

Note that refl can also be used to prove basic results such as the fact that the value of f₁ 5 is equal to -5. Since we have no need of a name for this result, we simply declare it as an example, which is similar to def but without having to give a name to what we are defining (this implies that we cannot perform a #check or a #print afterwards).

example : f₁ 5 = -5 := by { refl }

Third definition of a function

In this third option, we do not specify the type of f₃ before the definition, so we have to be more detailed about the type of both n and - 2 * n + 5 after the := symbol. It is still the exact same function as f₁ and f₂, though.

def f₃ := λ (n : ℕ), (-2 * n + 5 : ℤ)

example : f₂ = f₃ := by { refl }

Exercise 1

Given a type X : Type, define an “identity function” from X to itself.

Currying and uncurrying

We are used to defining functions of two or more variables as functions from a product set to another set. For instance, a real-valued function of two real variables can be formalised as term of type ℝ² → ℝ (the superscript notation ² is obtained by typing in \^2 followed by a space character).

To define a term of type ℝ² → ℝ, we need to define the type ℝ² first. This is already programmed in Lean, via the prod construction: if T₁ and T₂ are types, there is a type T₁ × T₂ (or prod T₁ T₂; the notation × is obtained by typing in \x followed by a space character), whose terms are pairs (t₁, t₂) such that t₁ is a term of type T₁ and t₂ is a term of type T₂.

#check (3,4)

#check ℕ × ℤ  
#check ( (3, -4) : ℕ × ℤ )

By construction, the type T₁ × T₂ comes equipped with two projection functions fst : T₁ × T₂ → T₁ and snd : T₁ × T₂ → T₂, that we can use to define functions h : T₁ × T₂ → T₃.

#check (3,4).1
#check (3,4).2

#eval (3,4).1
#eval (3,4).2

def h : ℕ × ℕ → ℕ := λ x, 2 * x.1 + x.2

However, it is much more convenient to define a function of two variables T₁ × T₂ → T₃ as a function T₁ → (T₂ → T₃), meaning a function from T₁ to the functions T₂ → T₃.

def g : ℕ → (ℕ → ℕ) := λ n m, 2 * n + m

#check g
#eval g 1 3

#check h
#eval h (1, 3)

The precise correspondence between terms h of type T₁ × T₂ → T₃ and terms g of type T₁ → (T₂ × T₃) is given as follows.

If h : T₁ × T₂ → T₃, we define, for t₁ : T₁ the term (g t₁) : T₂ → T₃ as the function sending t₂ : T₂ to the term (g t₁) t₂ := h (t₁, t₂), which is indeed of type T₃.

Conversely, to a term g : T₁ → (T₂ → T₃), we can associate a term h of type T₁ × T₂ → T₃ by setting h (t₁, t₂) := (g t₁) t₂. Since (g t₁) is a function from T₂ to T₃, the term h (t₁, t₂) thus defined is indeed of type T₃.

The process of replacing h : T₁ × T₂ → T₃ by g : T₁ → (T₂ → T₃) is known as currying. The reverse process is known as uncurrying.

This is basically saying that we can replace a function of two variables h from T₁ × T₂ to T₃ by a family g (indexed by T₁) of partial applications from T₂ to T₃.

Here is for instance a family of sequences of natural numbers. This uses the power function (denoted using the caret symbol ^), which was imported at the beginning of this file via the import data.nat.pow command.

def u (q : ℕ) (n : ℕ) : ℕ := q^n

variable (q : ℕ) 

#check u q
#eval u 2 4

Exercise 2

Given types X Y Z : Types, define a function compose sending functions f : X → Y and g : Y → Z to a function compose f g from X to Z, sending a term x : X to the term g (f x).

Logical implications


There is a proposition (i.e. a term of type Prop) called false and characterised by the fact that it does not admit a proof. In other words, false is a type that has no terms.

Technically, the type false is defined as an inductive type (we will come back to that later). For now, we will use the type false to define negatives.

Indeed, in Lean, given a term P : Prop, the type ¬P is defined as the type P → false (i.e. the type of functions from P to false). In other words, supplying a proof of ¬P means supplying a proof that a to a proof of P there is associated a proof of false.

It will take a bit of time to wrap our heads around that, so let us start manipulating this notion. The symbol ¬ is obtained by typing in \n or \not, followed by a space character.

#check false

variables P : Prop
#check ¬P

Here is an example of a statement using negatives. It is known as modus tollens and it says that ( (P → Q) ∧ ¬Q ) → ¬P. In other words, if we can prove P → Q and ¬Q, then we can prove ¬Q.

In order to write a proof of this statement (and many other involving ¬), it is useful to keep in mind that a term of type ¬P is (by definition) a term of type P → false, meaning a function from P to false, and that it should be manipulated as such.

def MT { P Q : Prop } ( hPQ : P → Q ) ( nq : ¬Q ) : ¬P :=
  -- show P → false,
  intro p,
  apply nq,
  apply hPQ,
  exact p,

The show tactic that was used in the proof above is facultative: it enables us to visualise better what we are supposed to prove. It works if, when you write show t, Lean is able to find a term that matches t in the target.

The contrapositive

As an application of our definition of the function MT, we can prove the implication (P → Q) → (¬Q → ¬P).

#check @MT

def contrapositive  { P Q : Prop } : ( P → Q ) → ( ¬Q → ¬P ) :=
  intro hPQ,
  intro nq,
  exact MT hPQ nq,

The implication ¬Q → ¬P is known as the contrapositive of the implication P → Q.

In practice, it is often used to prove P → Q because, if we apply contraposition to ¬Q → ¬P, we find ¬¬P → ¬¬Q and, in everyday mathematics, ¬¬P is equivalent to P.

Again, this is a lot to digest, so let us break it down into several steps.

def contrapositive_with_double_neg { P Q : Prop } ( H : ¬Q →  ¬P ) : ¬¬P → ¬¬Q :=
  intro f,
  -- show ¬Q → false,
  intro x,
  apply f,
  apply H,
  exact x,

It is not necessary at this stage, but here is a shorter proof of the previous proposition, which says that ( ¬Q → ¬P ) → ( ¬¬P → ¬¬Q ).

def contrapositive_with_double_neg_again { P Q : Prop } ( H : ¬Q →  ¬P ) : ¬¬P → ¬¬Q :=
  intros f x,
  exact f (H x),

We now would like to be able to say that ¬¬P ↔︎ P (the left-right arrow ↔︎ means equivalence and it is obtained by typing in \lr, followed by a space character).

More precisely, we want to prove P → ¬¬P and ¬¬P → P. Without getting too much into the details, let us just mention that there is a way to split the proof of an equivalence P ↔︎ Q into two implications P → Q and Q → P and that this is what the split tactic does (see below).

Once we have two implications to prove, we can observe that the implication P → ¬¬P does not use any tactic: we prove it by showing that, to a proof of P, we can associate a proof of ¬P → false, which is the definition of ¬¬P.

For the implication ¬¬P → P, however, more is needed. We have to argue by contradiction. This means that, after introducing a term g of type ¬¬P, we replace the target P by false while also adding a term h : ¬P (i.e. a proof of P → false) to our local context.

def double_neg {P : Prop} : P ↔ ¬¬P :=
  intro p,
  show ¬P → false,
  intro f,
  exact f p,
  intro g,
  exact g h,

So, after using the tactic by_contradiction (which can be abbreviated to by_contra), we have proofs of both ¬¬P and ¬P in our local context, and this is how we produce a proof of false.

Since false is a type that has no terms, what we did means that adding a proof of ¬P to our local context was, in a way, illicit. In other words, we cannot assume that ¬P has a proof (for otherwise we get a proof of false) so this must mean that P has a proof.

This is indeed the case for us: we are working under the assumption that either P or ¬P has a proof. This known as the Law of Excluded Middle (LEM) and it is needed in order to prove the equivalence (P → Q) ↔︎ (¬Q → ¬P).

Note that, since we are now equipped with the tactic by_contradiction, we can get rid of the double negatives in the proof of the implication ( ¬Q → ¬P ) → ( ¬¬P → ¬¬Q ) and prove that ( ¬Q → ¬P ) → ( P → Q ).

def contra { P Q : Prop } ( H : ¬Q →  ¬P ) : P → Q :=
  intro p,
  exact (H h) p,

Exercise 3

Formalise the equivalence ( P → Q ) ↔︎ ( ¬Q → ¬P ) and use the split tactic and the functions MT and contra defined above to write a proof of it.