Modus ponens

Let us use tactic mode to write a proof of the rule of deductive reasoning known as modus ponens, which says that if we have a proof of proposition P and a proof of the implication P → Q, then we have a proof of the proposition Q.

def MP {P Q : Prop} (hP : P) (hPQ : P → Q) : Q :=
  apply hPQ,
  exact hP,

The proof we give can be understood as follows. First, let us make it clear that P and Q are propositions, that we have a proof of P and of P → Q, and that our goal is to prove Q.

Since by assumption we have a proof of the implication P → Q, it suffices to prove P. This is what the apply tactic enables us to do. More precisely, the term hPQ, being of type P → Q, is a function from P to Q, so it sends a term of type P (i.e. a proof a P) to a term of type Q, i.e. a proof of Q.

Now, after the apply tactic, the goal is changed to P. And since, again by assumption, we have a proof of P, we can close the goal using the exact tactic.

Alternately, we can write the proof using just the exact tactic, because hPQ hP is the result of applying the function hPQ : P → Q to the term hP, which is of type P, so it is a term of type Q.

def MP_bis {P Q : Prop} (hP : P) (hPQ : P → Q) : Q :=
  exact hPQ hP,

And in term mode, MP is defined as follows.

def MP_ter {P Q : Prop} (hP : P) (hPQ : P → Q) : Q := hPQ hP

In this example, we see three approaches to definitions in Lean:

The longer our proofs become, the more it becomes necessary to use the third approach (tactic mode). In that approach, we work on the goal to reduce it to the assumptions, and we close the reduced goal with the exact tactic.

We now check that MP is indeed a function that, in the presence of Propositions P and Q, sends a proof of the propositions P and P → Q to a proof of Q.

#check @MP

Here we use the @ because MP has implicit arguments (namely P and Q). The result of #check @MP then looks as follows.

MP : ∀ {P Q : Prop}, P → (P → Q) → Q

It is instructive to check that the three definitions we have given are identical.

-- #print MP
-- #print MP_bis
-- #print MP_ter

Next, by using the command variables, we add to our context the Propositions P and Q, as well as a proof of P and a proof of the implication P → Q. This is just for commodity here.

variables {P Q : Prop} (hP : P) (hPQ : P → Q)

And now, using the function MP and the variables hP and hPQ, we can give a proof of Proposition Q: we simply apply the modus ponens function to the proofs of the propositions P and P → Q. Note that proof_of_Q is a term of type Q and that we are defining it.

def proof_of_Q : Q := MP hP hPQ

Let us check that the term MP hP hPQ is indeed of type Q, i.e. that it is a proof of the Proposition Q.

#check MP hP hPQ

Alternately, we can write the following:

#check @MP P Q hP hPQ

The two terms MP hP hPQ and @MP P Q hP hPQ are in fact identical, but in the second notation we include the implicit variables P and Q. These implicit variables were declared with curly brackets { } (see the definition of MP), as opposed to hP and hPQ, which were defined using round brackets ( ).

We now give the tactic mode version of our proof of Q, using only the exact tactic.

def proof_of_Q_bis (hP : P) (hPQ : P → Q) : Q :=
  exact MP hP hPQ,

Note that here, in order to use the variables hP and hPQ in tactic mode, we need to include them in the definition. However, we can check that the proof terms of proof_of_Q and proof_of_Q_bis are identical.

-- #print proof_of_Q
-- #print proof_of_Q_bis

To conclude, we give an alternate formulation for the definition of the modus ponens, where the variables hP : P and hPQ : P → Q do not appear explicitly, making the definition more compact. The tactic proof, however, is longer, as we must now introduce the variables ourselves, using the intro tactic.

def MP_no_var {P Q : Prop}: P → (P → Q) → Q :=
  intro hP,
  intro hPQ,
  apply hPQ,
  exact hP,

Equivalently, we can write P ∧ (P → Q) → Q, instead of P → (P → Q) → Q. The symbol is read and and can be obtained by typing in the command \and.

In that case, the proof is even longer, and we wust apply the cases tactic in order to replace the hypothesis h : P ∧ (P → Q) by the two hypotheses hP : P and hPQ : (P → Q).

The names h and hPQ are chosen arbitrarily. If we simply write cases h instead of cases h with hP hPQ, Lean will assign names automatically.

def MP_no_var_bis {P Q : Prop}: P ∧ (P → Q) → Q :=
  intro h,
  cases h with hP hPQ,
  apply hPQ,
  exact hP,

It is instructive to see that the proof term corresponding to MP_no_var is quite simple (the λ term means that we are defining a function), while the one corresponding to MP_no_var_bis is more involved (because of the cases tactic).

-- #print MP_no_var
-- #print MP_no_var_bis