Supervision and mentoring
If you want to know what it is like to write a thesis under my supervision (the good and the bad), talk to my students!
Undergraduate students
Sergio Pedraza-Rodríguez, Uniandes (2011). Hurwitz surfaces.
Alejandro Rivera, ENS Lyon (2013). Equivariant Morse theory in symplectic geometry.
Simón Soto-Ochoa, Uniandes (2016). The modular group of a compact orientable surface.
Santiago Cortés-Gómez, Uniandes (2016). Galois theory of separable algebras over a field.
Alirio Calderón-Díaz, Universidad Distrital de Bogotá (2017). Gromov's affine non-squeezing theorem.
David Jaramillo-Duque, Uniandes (2017). Clifford algebras and spin groups.
Nicolás Betancourt-Cardona, Uniandes (2019). Extensions of field of meromorphic functions.
Manuel Aragón, Uniandes (2023). Complex projective structures and opers.
Liva Diler, Universität Heidelberg (2024). Equivariant cohomology of real algebraic varieties.
Chenyi Yang, Universität Heidelberg (2024). Cell complexes in Homotopy Type Theory.
Janina Płaneta, Universität Heidelberg (2025). Topology of loop spaces.
Master students
Andrés Jaramillo-Puentes, Uniandes (2012). Uniformisation of real algebraic curves.
Ramón Urquijo-Novella, Uniandes (2012). GIT quotients and symplectic quotients, the Kempf-Ness theorem.
Camilo Vargas-Contreras, Uniandes (2013). Higgs bundles and hyper-Kähler reduction in infinite dimension.
Nicolás Walteros-Vergara, Uniandes (2018). Unitary connexions and holomorphic vector bundles.
Juan Martín Pérez-Bernal, Uniandes (2019). The moduli stack of elliptic curves.
Juan Sebastián Numpaque-Roa, Uniandes (2021). The Hitchin fibration.
Emanuel Roth, Universität Heidelberg (2024). The Harder-Narasimhan reduction of a principal bundle.
Till Janke, Universität Heidelberg. Real spectrum compactification of Teichmüller space.
PhD students
Marwan Benyoussef, Freie Universität Berlin (co-supervision with Alexander Schmitt, since 2020).
Leonardo Roa-Leguizamón, Uniandes (2022-2023).
Zeinab Toghani, Uniandes (2022).