Sums of squares - Exercises
Copyright (c) 2023 Matematiflo. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Florent Schaffhauser.
import SumSq.Defs
Modify the syntax of the induction
tactic in SumSqPermut
to make it look more similar to that of SumSqAppend
. This means: in SumSqPermut
, replace induction H
by induction H with
and make the proof syntactically correct after that (start by changing ⬝ case nil
to | nil
Let R
be a type with decidable equality. Let a
be a term of type R
and let L
be a term of type List R
. Prove that, if a ∈ L
, then the list a :: L.erase a
is a permutation of L
(we have used this standard result here).
Prove that the statement of theorem SumSqSmul2
is indeed equivalent to the statement of theorem SumSqSmul
Let R
be a semiring and let S
be a term in R
. Prove that Proposition IsSumSq S
is equivalent to Proposition IsSumSq' S
, where IsSumSq'
is the predicate defined inductively as follows:
inductive IsSumSq' [Semiring R] : R → Prop :=
| sq (x : R): IsSumSq (x ^ 2 : R)
| add (S1 S2 : R) (h1 : IsSumSq S1) (h2 : IsSumSq S2) : IsSumSq (S1 + S2)
Let Let R
be a semiring and let S
be a term in R
. Write a (direct) proof of the implication
(∃ L : List R, SumSq L = S) → IsSumSq S
and ask yourself whether having an existential quantifier in the assumption makes things complicated. Try using instead Lemma SumSqListIsSumSq
and the second implication of the equivalence IsSumSq.Char
from SumSq.Basic to prove the result.
Let S T
be types. Let P : T → Prop
be a predicate on T
and let f : S → T
be a function from S
to T
. Assume that the proposition ∀ x : S, P (f x)
has a proof and that the proposition ∀ y : T, ∃ x : S, y = f x
has a proof. Show that the proposition ∀ y : T, P y
has a proof.
Examples of formalisations for this result are provided below.
example {S T : Type} (P : T → Prop) (f : S → T) (hPf : (∀ x : S, P (f x))) (y : T) : (∃ x : S, y = f x) → P y := by
intro hy
rcases hy with ⟨x, hx⟩
rw [hx]
apply hPf
example {S T : Type} (P : T → Prop) (f : S → T) (hPf : (∀ x : S, P (f x))) (h : ∀ y : T, ∃ x : S, y = f x) : ∀ y : T, P y := by
intro y
specialize h y
rcases h with ⟨x, hx⟩
rw [hx]
apply hPf