The type of sums of squares
Copyright (c) 2023 Matematiflo. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Florent Schaffhauser.
import SumSq.Defs
Let R
be a semiring. In the file SumSq.Defs, we declared a function SumSq : List R → R
that computes the sum of squares of the entries of a list:
SumSq [a, b, c] = a ^ 2 + b ^ 2 + c ^ 2
In the present file, we declare a predicate IsSumSq : R → Prop
that characterizes the elements of R
that are return values of the function SumSq
. We then discuss how to use such a predicate to declare sums of squares in R
either as a subset or as a subtype of R
Using an inductive predicate / type
Using a predicate on R
(i.e. a function IsSumSq : R → Prop
) to characterize sums of squares in R
means the following: a term S : R
will be called a sum of squares if the proposition IsSumSq S
has a proof.
Below, the predicate IsSumSq
is defined inductively, but later we will show that we can also define it existentially.
inductive IsSumSq {R : Type} [Semiring R] : R → Prop
| zero : IsSumSq (0 : R)
| add (x S : R) (hS : IsSumSq S) : IsSumSq (x ^ 2 + S)
By definition of IsSumSq
, the term 0 : R
is a sum of squares, and if S : R
is a sum of squares and x : R
, then x ^ 2 + S
is a sum of squares. We can use this to prove that, for all list L : List R
, the term SumSq L : R
is a sum of squares.
lemma SumSqListIsSumSq {R : Type} [Semiring R] (L : List R) : IsSumSq (SumSq L) := by
induction L with -- by induction on the list L
| nil => -- the case of the empty list []
rw [SumSq] -- rewrite using SumSq [] = 0
exact -- IsSumSq 0 is a proof that 0 is a sum of squares
| cons a l ih => -- the case of a list L = (a :: l) where SumSq l is assumed to be a sum of squares
rw [SumSq] -- rewrite using SumSq (a :: l) = a ^2 + SumSq l
exact IsSumSq.add a (SumSq l) ih -- conclude using the induction hypothesis and the property that, if S is a sum of squares, then x ^2 + S is a sum of squares
Let us give three more examples of simple proofs that a term S : R
is a sum of squares. Namely, we prove that 0 : R
, 1 : R
and all squares in R
are sums of squares.
For more on this, see Exercise 1. And for more on Lemma SumSqListIsSumSq
, see Exercise 2.
lemma zeroIsSumSq {R : Type} [Semiring R] : IsSumSq (0 : R) := by
exact -- 0 is a sum of squares in R by definition of the type IsSumSq
lemma SquareIsSumSq {R : Type} [Semiring R] (x : R) : IsSumSq (x ^ 2) := by
rw [← add_zero (x ^2)] -- rewrite using x ^ 2 = x ^ 2 + 0
exact IsSumSq.add x 0 -- x ^ 2 + 0 is a sum of squares in R by definition of the type IsSumSq (and because we have already proven that 0 is a sum squares)
lemma oneIsSumSq {R : Type} [Semiring R] : IsSumSq (1 : R) := by
rw [← one_pow 2] -- rewrite using 1 = 1 ^ 2
exact SquareIsSumSq 1 -- conclude using SquareIsSumSq
Based on its declaration, the type IsSumSq
behaves like a Prop
-valued function on R
. The only two subtleties are:
- the fact that the variable
R : Type
is implicit (between brackets of the form{}
). - the fact that the assumption that
is a semiring is implemented using a class instance (between brackets of the form[]
For example, IsSumSq ℤ 0
is the formalized version of the statement 0 is a sum of squares in ℤ
#check @IsSumSq -- @IsSumSq : {R : Type} → [hR : Semiring R] → R → Prop
#check IsSumSq (0 : ℤ) -- IsSumSq 0 : Prop
Implementing class instance parameters is useful to automatically give meaning to expressions (0 : R)
and x ^ 2 + S
(since R
is a semiring), via a process called typeclass resolution. Note that we could give that instantiation a name if we wanted to, by declaring [hR : Semiring R]
instead of just [Semiring R]
The fact that IsSumSq
behaves like a function with an implicit parameter and a class instance parameter can be used to present the above checks differently.
#check @IsSumSq ℤ _ -- IsSumSq : ℤ → Prop
#check @IsSumSq ℤ _ 0 -- IsSumSq 0 : Prop
Since IsSumSq
is declared as an inductive type, it automatically generates an induction principle accesible via IsSumSq_rec
. This means that if we want to prove a result for all sums of squares in a semiring R'
, it suffices to prove it for 0 : R'
and to prove it for all terms of the form x ^ 2 + S
under the assumption that the term S
is a sum of squares in R'
, for which the result has already been proved.
To see how it works, we can either use a concrete example of a type with semiring instance, like ℤ
, or declare a variable which plays that role (note that we do not call it R
, in order to avoid conflicts in future declarations).
variable {R' : Type} [hR' : Semiring R']
#check @IsSumSq.rec R' _
Since it is a bit long, the induction principle for IsSumSq
is reproduced below. There, the Prop
-valued function motive
is to be thought of as a property of sums of squares in R
that one wants to prove.
@IsSumSq_rec R' hR' : ∀ {motive : (a : R') → IsSumSq a → Prop},
motive 0 (_ : IsSumSq 0) →
(∀ (x S : R') (hS : IsSumSq S), motive S hS → motive (x ^ 2 + S) (_ : IsSumSq (x ^ 2 + S))) →
∀ {a : R'} (t : IsSumSq a), motive a t
Let us now see how to use induction on the type IsSumSq
to prove certain properties of sums of squares in a semiring R
. For example, to say that the sum of two sums of squares is itself a sum of squares, we write:
IsSumSq S1 ∧ IsSumSq S2 → IsSumSq (S1 + S2)
theorem IsSumSq_Sum {R : Type} [Semiring R] {S1 S2 : R} (h1 : IsSumSq S1) (h2 : IsSumSq S2) : IsSumSq (S1 + S2) := by
induction h1 with -- we prove that S1 + S2 is a sum of squares in R by induction on h1 (which is a proof that S1 is a sum of squares)
| zero => -- the base step is S1 = 0, so S1 + S2 = S2
simp only [zero_add] -- we simplify 0 + S2 to S2
exact h2 -- we conclude using h2
| add a S hS ih => -- the inductive step is the case S1 = a ^ 2 + S, where S is a sum of squares and the induction hypothesis is that (S + S2) is a sum of squares: the goal is to prove that (a ^ 2 + S) + S2 is a sum of squares
rw [add_assoc] -- rewrite using (a ^ 2 + S) + S2 = a ^ 2 + (S + S2)
exact IsSumSq.add a (S + S2) ih -- since a ^ 2 is a square and (S + S2) is a sum of squares by the induction hypothesis, we conclude using IsSumSq.add
Likewise, if the semiring R
is commutative, a product of sums of squares is a sum of squares. As we shall see, the assumption that R
is commutative is used in our proof when applying mul_pow
. We make this apparent via a separate lemma.
lemma IsSumSq_ProdSqBySumSq {R : Type} [CommSemiring R] {S : R} (h : IsSumSq S) {x : R} : IsSumSq (x ^2 * S) := by
induction h with -- we prove that x ^ 2 * S is a sum of squares by induction on h (which is a proof that S is a sum of squares)
| zero => -- the base step is S = 0 so x ^ 2 * S = x ^ 2 * 0
rw [mul_zero] -- we simplify x ^ 2 * 0 to 0
exact -- we conclude using the fact that 0 is a sum of squares
|add a s _ ih => -- the inducive step is the case S = a ^ 2 + s, where s is a sum of squares and the induction hypothesis is that (x ^ 2 * s) is a sum of squares: the goal is to prove that x ^ 2 * (a ^ 2 + s) is a sum of squares
rw [mul_add, ← mul_pow x a 2] -- rewrite using x ^ 2 * (a ^ 2 + s) = (x * a) ^ 2 + x ^ 2 * s
exact IsSumSq.add (x * a) (x ^ 2 * s) ih -- since (x * a) ^ 2 is a square and (x ^ 2 * s) is a sum of squares by the induction hypothesis, we conclude using IsSumSq.add
We can now prove that, indeed, a product of sums of squares is a sum of squares:
IsSumSq S1 ∧ IsSumSq S2 → IsSumSq (S1 * S2)
theorem IsSumSq_Prod {R : Type} [CommSemiring R] {S1 S2 : R} (h1 : IsSumSq S1) (h2 : IsSumSq S2) : IsSumSq (S1 * S2) := by
induction h1 with -- we prove that S1 * S2 is a sum of squares by induction on h (which is a proof that S1 is a sum of squares)
| zero => -- -- the base step is S1 = 0 so S1 * S2 = 0 * S2
rw [zero_mul] -- we simplify 0 * S2 to 0
exact -- we conclude using the fact that 0 is a sum of squares
| add a S hS ih => -- the inducive step is the case S1 = a ^ 2 + S, where S is a sum of squares and the induction hypothesis is that (S * S2) is a sum of squares: the goal is to prove that (a ^ 2 + S) * S2 is a sum of squares
rw [add_mul] -- rewrite using (a ^ 2 + S) * S2 = a ^ 2 * S2 + S * S2
apply IsSumSq_Sum _ _ -- since a sum of sums of squares is a sum of squares, in order to prove that (a ^ 2 * S2) + (S * S2) is a sum of squares, it suffices to prove that (a ^ 2 * S2) and (S * S2) are both sums of squares
· exact IsSumSq_ProdSqBySumSq h2 -- the fact that (a ^ 2 * S2) is a sum of squares when S2 is a sum of squares was proved in IsSumSq_ProdSqBySumSq
· exact ih -- the fact that (S * S2) is a sum of squares is the induction hypothesis
Using an existential predicate
We now show that we could also define IsSumSq S
by asking that it be a return value of the function SumSq
defined in SumSq.Defs. More precicely, we prove that, given a term S
in a semiring R
, the following equivalence holds:
IsSumSq S ↔︎ (∃ L : List R, SumSq L = S)
We begin with the first implication: starting from S : R
such that IsSumSq S
has a proof, we want to construct a list L : List R
such that SumSq L = S
. Since IsSumSq S
is defined inductively, we can do this by induction on the proof of the proposition IsSumSq S
lemma IsSumSqToExistList {R : Type} [Semiring R] (S : R) (hS : IsSumSq S) : (∃ L : List R, SumSq L = S) := by
induction hS with -- we prove the result by induction on hS (which is a proof that S is a sum of squares)
| zero => -- the base case is when S = 0
exact ⟨[], by rw [SumSq]⟩ -- we can use L = [] to prove that ∃ L, SumSq L = 0
-- use [] -- instead of exact ⟨[], rfl⟩, we can write use [] followed by rfl
-- rfl
| add a s _ ih => -- the inductive step is when S = a ^2 + s, where s is a sum of squares and the induction hypothesis is that there exists a list L such that SumSq L = s
rcases ih with ⟨l, hl⟩ -- we extract from ih a list l such that SumSq l = s
rw [← hl] -- we rewrite the goal using SumSq l = s
use (a :: l) -- We claim that we can use the list L = (a :: l) to show that there exists a list L such thatt SumSq L = a ^ 2 + SumSq l
rw [SumSq] -- indeed the result is true by definition of the function SumSq
From this and Lemma SumSqListIsSumSq
proved in the first section, we can prove the equivalence that we wanted. Note that, given a sum of squares S
in R
, there may exist more than one list such that SumSq L = S
theorem IsSumSq_Char (R : Type) [Semiring R] (S : R) : IsSumSq S ↔ (∃ L : List R, SumSq L = S) := by
constructor -- this tactic splits the equivalence ↔ into two implications
· apply IsSumSqToExistList -- the first implication is proven using the lemma IsSumSqToExistList
-- intro hS -- instead of the apply tactic, we can use intro followed by exact
-- exact IsSumSqToExistList S hS
· intro h -- to prove the second implication , let h be a proof of the fact that there exists a list L such that SumSq L = S
rcases h with ⟨L, hL⟩ -- we extract from h a list L such that SumSq L = S
rw [← hL] -- we rewrite the goal using SumSq L = S
exact SumSqListIsSumSq L -- we close the goal by applying a lemma that we already proved, which says that SumSq L is of type IsSumSq
As a set
Recall that, given a type R
, a term of type Set R
is by definition a predicate R → Prop
. But it comes with a series of extra functions, such as Set.Mem
to define membership in a set. And Lean provides a way to define sets from predicates, with a syntax that is familiar to mathematicians.
For example, to the predicate IsSumSq : R → Prop
, there is associated the set {S : R | IsSumSq S}
, which we can think of as consisting of terms S : R
such that IsSumSq S
has a proof. More concretely, (0 : R) ∈ {S : R | IsSumSq S}
is definitionally equal to the proposition IsSumSq 0
(see example below).
The upshot of using the type Set R
is that it gives access to type-theoretic notation (the symbols ∈
, ∩
, ∪
etc). Note that it is now convenient, in the definition of the function SumSqSet : R → Set R
, to make the parameter R
def SumSqSet (R : Type) [Semiring R] : Set R := {S : R | IsSumSq S}
#check @SumSqSet -- SumSqSet : (R : Type) → [inst : Semiring R] → Set R
#check @SumSqSet ℤ -- @SumSqSet ℤ : [inst : Semiring ℤ] → Set ℤ
#check @SumSqSet ℤ _ -- SumSqSet ℤ : Set ℤ
#check SumSqSet ℤ -- SumSqSet ℤ : Set ℤ
#check 0 ∈ SumSqSet ℤ -- 0 ∈ SumSqSet ℤ : Prop
Alternately, the set of sums of squares can be obtained from the predicate IsSumSq
using the function setOf
def SumSqSet' (R : Type) [Semiring R] : Set R := setOf IsSumSq
#check @SumSqSet' -- SumSqSet' : (R : Type) → [inst : Semiring R] → Set R
#check @SumSqSet' ℤ -- @SumSqSet' ℤ : [inst : Semiring ℤ] → Set ℤ
#check @SumSqSet' ℤ _ -- SumSqSet' ℤ : Set ℤ
#check SumSqSet' ℤ -- SumSqSet' ℤ : Set ℤ
#check 0 ∈ SumSqSet' ℤ -- 0 ∈ SumSqSet' ℤ : Prop
We could have used the set-theoretic notation earlier if we had declared IsSumSq
in the following way, replacing R → Prop
with Set R
inductive IsSumSq {R : Type} [Semiring R] : Set R :=
| zero : IsSumSq (0 : R)
| add (x S : R) (hS : IsSumSq S) : IsSumSq (x ^ 2 + S)
However, it is not clear that this is a better option. Indeed, if we do that, then (0 : R) ∈ IsSumSq
type-checks, but it does not read very naturally compared to (0 : R) ∈ SumSq R
. By definition, the latter means (0 : R) ∈ {S : R | IsSumSq S}
, and this means that IsSumSq (0 : R)
has a proof.
Here is a proof that (0 : R) ∈ SumSq R
. As we can see, it uses the fact that this is definitionally equal to the proposition IsSumSq (0 : R)
example {R : Type} [Semiring R] : 0 ∈ SumSqSet R := by -- the goal is 0 ∈ SumSqSet R (note that Lean identifies the term 0 as being of type R)
dsimp [SumSqSet] -- simplifies the goal to 0 ∈ {a | IsSumSq a}, using the definition of SumSqSet
change IsSumSq 0 -- changes the goal to IsSumSq 0, which is definitionally equal to 0 ∈ {a | IsSumSq a}
exact -- this closes the goal because is the proof that 0 is a sum of squares in R
We can now rewrite the theorems above in set-theoretic notation. All of them have already been proved, so we close the goal with an exact
tactic every time.
theorem SumSqSet.Sum {R : Type} [Semiring R] {S1 S2 : R} (h1 : S1 ∈ SumSqSet R) (h2 : S2 ∈ SumSqSet R) : (S1 + S2) ∈ SumSqSet R := by
exact IsSumSq_Sum h1 h2
lemma SumSqSet.ProdSqBySumSq {R : Type} [CommSemiring R] {S : R} (h : S ∈ SumSqSet R) {x : R} : (x ^2 * S) ∈ SumSqSet R := by
exact IsSumSq_ProdSqBySumSq h
theorem SumSqSet.Prod {R : Type} [CommSemiring R] {S1 S2 : R} (h1 : S1 ∈ SumSqSet R) (h2 : S2 ∈ SumSqSet R) :(S1 * S2) ∈ SumSqSet R := by
exact IsSumSq_Prod h1 h2
To conclude this subsection, we point out that we could have made the variable R
explicit in the declaration IsSumSq
. It makes the notation a little bit heavier, but it can be useful when declaring subtypes (see below).
inductive IsSumSqExpl (R : Type) [Semiring R] : R → Prop :=
| zero : IsSumSqExpl R (0 : R)
| add (x S : R) (hS : IsSumSqExpl R S) : IsSumSqExpl R (x ^ 2 + S)
As a subtype
Similarly to the way the set SumSqSet R
is defined (using the syntax {S : R | IsSumSq S}
), Lean provides a way to define sums of squares as a subtype of R
, using the predicate IsSumSq : R → Prop
and a syntax similar to the one seen earlier for SumSqSet R
(namely {S : R | IsSumSq S}
The first difference is that the return type is now Type
, as opposed to Set R
. Note that we are still making the variable R
explicit here.
def SumSqType (R : Type) [Semiring R] : Type := {S : R // IsSumSq S}
#check @SumSqType -- SumSqType : (R : Type) → [inst : Semiring R] → Type
By definition of the subtype associated to the predicate IsSumSq
, a term S : SumSqType R
is a pair ⟨S.val,⟩
consisting of a term S.val : R
and a term : IsSumSq S
(meaning a proof of the proposition IsSumSq S
). In particular, to declare such a term S
, we need to specify both S.val
#check (⟨0,⟩ : SumSqType ℤ)
-- { val := 0, property := (_ : IsSumSq 0) } : { S // IsSumSq S }
It seems reasonable to imagine that, when it comes to formalising proofs about sums of squares in R
, it will be less natural for mathematicians to work with the subtype IsSumSqType R
than with the set IsSumSqSet R
. For example, when working with subtypes, to say that the sum of two sums of squares is a sum of squares, is equivalent to declaring a function SumSqType.Add {R : Type} [Semiring R] : SumSqType R → SumSqType R → SumSqType R
, with SumSq.Add S1 S2
defined as ⟨S1.val + S2.val, IsSumSq_Sum⟩
As we can see, this formalises the desired result, but in a way that is not (yet?) the usual one in mathematics. Instead, it is directly inspired by the methods of functional programming. Exploring those methods further, we can perform other constructions that are common in functional programming and object-oriented programming, such as instantiating a class on the type SumSqType
. For example the class Add
, which will equip the type SumSqType R
with a function SumSqType R → SumSqType R → SumSqType R
def Addition {R : Type} [Semiring R] (S1 S2 : SumSqType R) : SumSqType R := ⟨S1.val + S2.val, IsSumSq_Sum⟩
instance {R : Type} [Semiring R] : Add (SumSqType R) := ⟨Addition⟩
As a consequence, we now have access to the methods of the class Add
. For example, we can use the notation +
without declaring it as such for the function Addition
def Double {R : Type} [Semiring R] (S : SumSqType R) : SumSqType R := S + S
example {R : Type} [Semiring R] (S : SumSqType R) : Double S = Addition S S := by rfl
Note that the instantiation can also be done directly, without defining the function Addition
first. And we may give it a name if we want, and/or use a slightly different syntax (add
is the unique attribute of the class Add
instance {R : Type} [Semiring R] : Add (SumSqType R) := ⟨fun S1 S2 => ⟨S1.val + S2.val, IsSumSq_Sum⟩⟩
instance SumSqTypeAddition {R : Type} [Semiring R] : Add (SumSqType R) where add S1 S2 := ⟨S1.val + S2.val, IsSumSq_Sum⟩
Another advantage of defining sums of squares as a subtype is that we can make the type SumSqType R
an instance of the Repr
class, making it possible to use #eval
on terms of type SumSqType ℤ
or SumSqType ℚ
(all terms of type SumSqType R
where R
is a concrete type).
#check SumSqType ℤ
instance {R : Type} [Semiring R] [Repr R] : Repr (SumSqType R) where
reprPrec :=
fun S _ =>
repr S.val ++ " is a sum of squares because the property IsSumSq " ++ repr S.val ++ " has been proven."
def zero_is_SOS : SumSqType ℤ := ⟨0,⟩
#check zero_is_SOS.1 -- ↑zero_is_SOS : ℤ
#check zero_is_SOS.2 -- : IsSumSq ↑zero_is_SOS
#eval zero_is_SOS.1 -- 0
#eval zero_is_SOS -- 0 is a sum of squares because the property IsSumSq 0 has been proven.
Similarly, we can register a Decidable
instance on the proposition IsSumSq (0 : R)
instance {R : Type} [Semiring R] : Decidable (IsSumSq (0 : R)) :=
Decidable.isTrue (
#check IsSumSq (0 : ℤ) -- IsSumSq 0 : Prop
#eval IsSumSq (0 : ℤ) -- true
#eval decide (IsSumSq (0 : ℤ)) -- true
#check IsSumSq (0 : R') -- IsSumSq 0 : Prop
-- #eval IsSumSq (0 : R') -- (kernel) declaration has free variables '_eval'
We conclude this subsection by showing one advantage of making the type R
explicit in the definition of IsSumSqExpl
. Namely that it gives us access to the function Subtype
, which creates the subtype of sums of squares from the predicate IsSumSq R : R → Prop
This was not necessary earlier, due to the use of the syntax {S : R // IsSumSq S}
, which is capable of inferring what is needed in order to construct the required type.
def SumSqType' (R : Type) [Semiring R] : Type := Subtype (IsSumSqExpl R)
#check @SumSqType' -- SumSqType' : (R : Type) → [inst : Semiring R] → Type
#check (⟨0,⟩ : SumSqType' ℤ)
-- { val := 0, property := (_ : IsSumSqExpl ℤ 0) } : Subtype (IsSumSqExpl ℤ)
As a structure
One can also define the type of sums of squares in a semiring R
directly, using the structure
keyword, which creates a type. A structure is similar to an inductive type with only one constructor, but the way in which the resulting terms can be used is a bit different: a term in a structure can be projected to its various “components” (we will clarify this in the example below).
Note that the notion of [subtype](( that we used earlier is indeed a special kind of structure. The difference is that, for a subtype, Lean inserts a so-called coercion. Namely, a term S
of type {x : R // IsSumSq x}
will coerce to R
(the resulting term is then denoted by ↑S
This coercion is an optional design choice. It is inserted explicitly in the library at subtypeCoe. By definition (in this case), the term ↑S
is the projection of S
to R
, which can also be accessed using S.val
or S.1
or S.2
will access a proof of the proposition IsSumSq S.val
Getting back to our context, given a semiring R
, we define the type SumsOfSquares R
to be the type whose terms consists of:
- a term
(a value) and - a certain property (called
) and satisfied by this termval
More precisely, the term ppty
is of type IsSumSq val
, i.e. it is a proof that val : R
is a sum of squares in R
Below, we essentially define by hand the same type SumSqType R
introduced above as a subtype of R
structure SumsOfSquares (R : Type) [Semiring R] where
mk :: (val : R) (ppty : IsSumSq val)
This could be written with a :=
instead of a where
. Also, the mk ::
part is optional (mk
stands for make
). Indeed, the following syntax also works fine:
structure SumsOfSquares (R : Type) [Semiring R]
(val : R) (ppty : IsSumSq val)
As a result, we have a type SumsOfSquares ℕ
or SumsOfSquares ℤ
#check SumsOfSquares
#check SumsOfSquares ℤ
We also have new functions, created automatically, namely the constructor
(which is there even if mk ::
is not used in the declaration of the structure, but would be called SumsOfSquares.cons
if cons
had been used in place of mk
To give examples of terms of type SumsOfSquares R
, we use the function SumSq
introduced in the Defs file. By Theorem IsSumSq_Char
(proved here), this function indeed characterizes sums of squares in R
, in the sense that we have an equivalence:
IsSumSq S ↔︎ (∃ L : List R, SumSq L = S)
so the sums of squares in R
are exactly the values of the function SumSq
. This observation leads to the declaration of a function SumSqList: List R → SumsOfSquares R
def SumSqList {R : Type} [Semiring R] (L : List R) : SumsOfSquares R := (SumSq L) (SumSqListIsSumSq L) -- ⟨SumSq L, SumSqListIsSumSq L⟩ also works
#check SumSqList [1, -2, 3] -- SumSqList [1, -2, 3] : SumsOfSquares ℤ
We can then project a term S : SumsOfSquares R
to R
and IsSumSq S.val
#check SumsOfSquares.val -- SumsOfSquares.val {R : Type} [inst✝ : Semiring R] (self : SumsOfSquares R) : R
#check SumsOfSquares.ppty -- SumsOfSquares.ppty {R : Type} [inst✝ : Semiring R] (self : SumsOfSquares R) : IsSumSq self.val
#check (SumSqList [1, -2, 3]).val -- (SumSqList [1, -2, 3]).val : ℤ
#check (SumSqList [1, -2, 3]).ppty -- (SumSqList [1, -2, 3]).ppty : IsSumSq (SumSqList [1, -2, 3]).val
As in the first implementation of the type of sums of squares given above, we can put a Repr
instance on the type SumsOfSquares R
instance {R : Type} [Semiring R] [Repr R] : Repr (SumsOfSquares R) where
reprPrec :=
fun S _ =>
repr S.val ++ " is a sum of squares because the property IsSumSq " ++ repr S.val ++ " has been proven."
-- Below, we use a Type-valued predicate (as opposed to Prop-valued)
inductive IsSumSq' {R : Type} [Semiring R] : R → Type
| zero : IsSumSq' (0 : R)
| add (x S : R) (hS : IsSumSq' S) : IsSumSq' (x ^ 2 + S)
structure SumsOfSquares' (R : Type) [Semiring R] where
(val : R) (ppty : IsSumSq' val)
instance {R : Type} [Semiring R] [Repr R] : Repr (SumsOfSquares' R) where
reprPrec :=
fun S _ =>
repr S.val ++ " is a sum of squares because the property IsSumSq " ++ repr S.val ++ " has been proven."
def SumSqListIsSumSq' {R : Type} [Semiring R] : (L : List R) → IsSumSq' (SumSq L) := by
intro L -- let L be a list whose members are terms of type signature R
induction L with -- by induction on the list L
| nil => -- the case of the empty list []
rw [SumSq] -- rewrite using SumSq [] = 0
exact IsSumSq'.zero -- IsSumSq' 0 is a proof that 0 is a sum of squares
| cons a l ih => -- the case of a list L = (a :: l) where SumSq l is assumed to be a sum of squares
rw [SumSq] -- rewrite using SumSq (a :: l) = a ^2 + SumSq l
exact IsSumSq'.add a (SumSq l) ih -- conclude using the induction hypothesis and the property that, if S is a sum of squares, then x ^2 + S is a sum of squares
def SumSqList' {R : Type} [Semiring R] (L : List R) : SumsOfSquares' R :=
⟨SumSq L, SumSqListIsSumSq' L⟩ -- SumsOfSquares'.mk (SumSq L) (SumSqListIsSumSq' L)
instance {R : Type} [Semiring R] [Repr R] {L : List R} : Repr (IsSumSq' (SumSqList' L).val) where
reprPrec :=
fun _ _ =>
"A proof of the fact that " ++ repr (SumSqList' L).val ++ " is a sum of squares is provided by applying the function SumSqListIsSumSq to the list " ++ repr L ++ ", because SumSq " ++ repr L ++ " = " ++ repr (SumSqList L).val -- to re-examine
#check SumSqList' [1, -2, 3]
#eval SumSqList' [1, -2, 3]
#check (SumSqList' [1, -2, 3]).val
#eval (SumSqList' [1, -2, 3]).val
#check (SumSqList' [1, -2, 3]).ppty
#eval (SumSqList' [1, -2, 3]).ppty
We can then define terms of type SumsOfSquares ℤ
as we did before. But note that no coercion has been inserted here (we would have to do it ourselves).
def zero_is_SOS' : SumsOfSquares ℤ := ⟨0,⟩
#check zero_is_SOS'.1 -- zero_is_SOS'.val : ℤ
#check zero_is_SOS'.2 -- zero_is_SOS'.property : IsSumSq zero_is_SOS'.val
#eval zero_is_SOS'.1 -- 0
#eval zero_is_SOS' -- 0 is a sum of squares because the property IsSumSq 0 has been proven.
We can also apply #eval
to values of the functions SumSqList
. But the last one gives us an error message.
#check SumSqList [1, -2, 3]
#eval SumSqList [1, -2, 3] -- 14 is a sum of squares because the property IsSumSq 14 has been proven.
#check (SumSqList [1, -2, 3]).val -- (SumSqList [1, -2, 3]).val : ℤ
#eval (SumSqList [1, -2, 3]).val -- 14
#check (SumSqList [1, -2, 3]).ppty
-- #eval (SumSqList [1, -2, 3]).ppty -- invalid universe level, 0 is not greater than 0
#reduce (SumSqList [1, -2, 3])
#reduce (SumSqList [1, -2, 3]).val
#reduce (SumSqList [1, -2, 3]).ppty
-- try to put a `Repr` instance on the type `IsSumSq (SumSq L)`?
Of course, this would have worked just as well with the type SumSqType R
in place of SumsOfSquares R
def SumSqListType {R : Type} [Semiring R] (L : List R) : SumSqType R := ⟨SumSq L, SumSqListIsSumSq L⟩
#check SumSqListType [1, -2, 3]
#eval SumSqListType [1, -2, 3]
#eval (SumSqListType [1, -2, 3]).val
Finally, we note that, if we use an inductive type with just one constructor (as opposed to a structure), the resulting data type can be used in a similar manner, but the way the terms are accessed and used is a bit different. In particular, they cannot be projected to their various components (unless one defines the projections “by hand”).
inductive SumsOfSquares'' (R : Type) [Semiring R]
| mk (val : R) (ppty : IsSumSq val)
#check SumsOfSquares''
#check SumsOfSquares''.mk
#check SumsOfSquares'' ℤ
def SumSqList'' {R : Type} [Semiring R] (L : List R) : SumsOfSquares'' R := SumsOfSquares''.mk (SumSq L) (SumSqListIsSumSq L)
#check SumSqList'' [1, -2, 3]
The above works fine but the following command do not work (we would have to define the projections by hand):
#check (SumSqList'' [1, -2, 3]).val
#check (SumSqList'' [1, -2, 3]).ppty
We can still put a Repr
instance on the type SumsOfSquares' R
. But note that the syntax used to access the various pieces of data contained in a term S
is different (using pattern matching instead of projecting).
instance {R : Type} [Semiring R] [Repr R] : Repr (SumsOfSquares' R) where
reprPrec :=
fun (SumsOfSquares'.mk val _) _ =>
repr val ++ " is a sum of squares because the property IsSumSq " ++ repr val ++ " has been proven."
#eval SumSqList' [1, -2, 3]
Exercise 1
Let R
be a semiring and let S
be a term in R
. Prove that Proposition IsSumSq S
is equivalent to Proposition IsSumSq' S
, where IsSumSq'
is the predicate defined inductively as follows:
inductive IsSumSq' {R : Type} [Semiring R] : R → Prop :=
| sq (x : R) : IsSumSq (x ^ 2 : R)
| add (S1 S2 : R) (h1 : IsSumSq S1) (h2 : IsSumSq S2) : IsSumSq (S1 + S2)
Note that this definition may be more intuitive than the one we gave in the first section. But it might be less convenient to work with. Indeed, when proving a statement by induction on the proof of IsSumSq' S
, then in the first case, we would have to prove it not only for S = 0
, but in all cases S = x ^ 2
for some x : R
Exercise 2
Let R
be a semiring and let S
be a term in R
. Write a (direct) proof of the implication
(∃ L : List R, SumSq L = S) → IsSumSq S
and ask yourself whether having an existential quantifier in the assumption makes things complicated. Try using Lemma SumSqListIsSumSq
and the second implication of the equivalence IsSumSq_Char
to prove the result. You can then see that the approach there is to first prove IsSumSq (SumSq L)
and from this deduce a proof of the implication. A formalisation of this last statement is suggested in Exercise 3.
Exercise 3
Let S T
be types. Let P : T → Prop
be a predicate on T
and let f : S → T
be a function from S
to T
. Assume that the proposition ∀ x : S, P (f x)
has a proof and that the proposition ∀ y : T, ∃ x : S, y = f x
has a proof. Show that the proposition ∀ y : T, P y
has a proof.