Sums of squares - Definitions and examples
Copyright (c) 2023 Matematiflo. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Florent Schaffhauser.
import Mathlib.Algebra.Ring.Defs
import Mathlib.Algebra.BigOperators.Group.List
import Mathlib.Data.Rat.Defs
import Mathlib.Algebra.Ring.Int
import Mathlib.Algebra.Field.Rat
Convention. In proofs by induction, the notation
is meant to signify induction hypothesis.
Definition by pattern matching
Let R
be a type. As soon as R
is endowed with an addition function, a zero and a square function, we can define sums of squares as a function SumSq
going from List R
to R
. However, in what follows, we will restrict to the case when R
is a Semiring
Recall that List R
is the type defined inductively and recursively by
inductive List (R : Type u) where
| nil : List R -- the empty list
| cons (a : R) (l : List R) : List R -- the list constructed from a term (a : R) and an already constructed list (l : List R).
In Lean, the empty list can be denoted by []
and the list cons a l
can be denoted by a :: l
Sums of squares can thus be defined by pattern matching, with respect to terms of type List R
. This means by giving the return value of the function in each of the two possible cases []
and a :: l
def SumSq {R : Type} [Semiring R] (L : List R) : R :=
match L with
| [] => 0
| a :: l => a ^ 2 + SumSq l
termination_by List.length L
The termination_by
expression at the end of the declaration of SumSq
is used to show that the recursion terminates at some point. It takes a function of L
as an argument, in this case the length of the list L
. And indeed this is the quantity that decreases along the computation, which stops just after List.length L
becomes 0
example {R : Type} [Semiring R] : SumSq ([] : List R) = 0 := by rewrite [SumSq]; rfl
Alternate syntax, without pattern matching:
def SumSq {R : Type} [Semiring R] : (List R → R)
| [] => 0
| a :: l => a ^ 2 + SumSq l
The command #check @SumSq
returns the type of the function SumSq
. The complete definition can be viewed using the command #print SumSq
#check @SumSq -- @SumSq : {R : Type} → [inst : Semiring R] → List R → R
#print SumSq
By construction, the function SumSq
is computable. In particular, simple equalities can be proved using the rfl
tactic, as we check below.
In these examples, note that Lean is capable of recognizing that [1, -2, 3]
is a list of integers, i.e. a term of type List ℤ
#eval SumSq [1, -2, 3] -- 14
#eval SumSq ([] : List ℕ) -- 0
#eval SumSq ([1, -2, 3/4] : List ℚ) -- (89 / 16 : ℚ)
example : SumSq [1, -2, 3] = 14 := by rfl
example : SumSq ([1, -2, 3/4] : List ℚ) = 89 / 16 := by rfl
If L1
and L2
are lists, there is a concatenated list L1 ++ L2
, and SumSq (L1 ++ L2)
can be computed directly.
#eval SumSq ([1, -2, 3] ++ [1, 1, -2, 3]) -- 29
example : SumSq ([1, -2, 3] ++ (0 :: [1, -2, 3])) = 28 := by rfl
#eval SumSq (0 :: [1, -2, 3]) -- 14
#eval SumSq (1 :: [1, -2, 3]) -- 15
We will later prove a theorem that says the following:
∀ L1 L2 : List R, SumSq (L1 ++ L2) = SumSq L1 + SumSq L2
Definition using the sum
and square
SumSq L
can also be computed by squaring the entries of the list and summing the resulting list:
[1, -2, 3] => [1 ^ 2, (-2) ^ 2, 3 ^ 2] => 1 ^ 2 + (-2) ^ 2 + 3 ^ 2
The first function is L => ( (. ^ 2))
and the second function is L => L.sum
. They can be composed as follows.
def SumSq2 {R : Type} [Semiring R] (L : List R) : R := ( (. ^ 2)).sum
As for SumSq
, this is a computable definition.
#eval SumSq2 [1, -2, 3] -- 14
We now prove that the two definitions agree. This means that we define a function that sends a list L
to a proof that SumSq2 L = SumSq L
theorem squaring_and_summing {R : Type} [Semiring R] (L : List R) : SumSq2 L = SumSq L := by
induction L with -- we prove the result by induction on the list L (the type `List R` is an inductive type)
| nil => rewrite [SumSq]; rfl -- case when L is the empty list, the two terms are definitionally equal
| cons a l ih => -- case when L = (a :: l), the two terms reduce to equal ones after some simplifications
dsimp [SumSq2, SumSq] -- we simplify using the definitions of SumSq2 and SumSq
dsimp [SumSq2] at ih -- we simplify in the induction hypothesis, using the definition of SumSq2
rewrite [SumSq, ←ih] -- we use the induction hypothesis
rw [List.sum_cons]
Tail-recursive definition
For greater efficiency in computations, we can also give a tail-recursive definition.
As usual for tail-recursive definitions, we start by defining an auxiliary function.
def SumSqAux {R : Type} [Semiring R] : R → List R → R
| SoFar, [] => SoFar
| SoFar, (a :: l) => SumSqAux (SoFar + a ^ 2) l
The following property holds by definition. It will be used in the proof of the equality SumSqTR L = SumSq L
theorem SumSqAuxZero {R : Type} [Semiring R] (L : List R) : SumSqAux 0 L = SumSqAux (SumSq []) L := by rewrite [SumSq]; rfl
The tail-recursive version of the SumSq
function is then defined as follows.
def SumSqTR {R : Type} [Semiring R] : List R → R
| L => SumSqAux 0 L
This is computable and behaves as expected.
#eval SumSqTR [1, -2, 3] -- 14
We now want to prove that the two definitions agree, i.e. that
∀ L : List R, SumSqTR L = SumSq L
The idea behind the proof is that, when S = SumSq l
, the term SumSqAux S L
can be computed in terms of the original function SumSq
. This idea is formalised in the next result.
theorem SumSqAuxWithSumSq {R : Type} [Semiring R] (L1 : List R) : ∀ L2 : List R, SumSqAux (SumSq L2) L1 = SumSq L2 + SumSq L1 := by
induction L1 with -- we prove the result by induction on L1
| nil =>
simp only [SumSqAux, SumSq] -- the nil case follows almost immediately from the definitions of the functions involved
intro L2; simp only [add_zero]
| cons a l1 ih => -- note that the induction hypothesis is for l fixed but for arbitrary L' : List R
intro L -- we introduce a new variable L
dsimp [SumSq, SumSqAux] -- we simplify, using the definitions of SumSq and SumSqAux
rw [add_comm _ (a ^2), ← SumSq] -- we use the commutativity of addition, then compute backwards using the definition of SumSq
rw [ih (a :: L)] -- we apply the induction hypothesis with L' = (a :: L'')
rw [SumSq, add_comm (a ^ 2) _, add_assoc, SumSq] -- we compute to finish the proof
With the help of SumSqAuxWithSumSq
, we can now prove that the tail-recursive version of the sum-of-squares function indeed returns the same value as the original function.
We start with an easy lemma, which is of more general interest.
lemma SumSqAuxEmptyList {R : Type} [Semiring R] (L : List R) : SumSqAux (SumSq []) L= SumSqAux (SumSq L) [] := by
simp only [SumSqAuxWithSumSq] -- both terms of the equation can be modified, using the function SumSqAuxGen to get rid of SumSqAux everywhere (on the left, the function SumSqAuxGen is applied to the lists L and [], and on the right it is applied to [] and L)
simp only [SumSq, zero_add, add_zero] -- we finish the proof by computing, using the fact that SumSq [] = 0 (by definition)
theorem def_TR_ok {R : Type} [Semiring R] (L : List R) : SumSqTR L = SumSq L := by
simp only [SumSqTR, SumSqAuxZero, SumSqAuxEmptyList, SumSqAux] -- the proof is by direct computation