How to turn mathematical proofs into a game

HEGL Illustrating Mathematics Seminar
Winter Semester 2024-2025
Logic, algebra and proof visualisation

Heidelberg University


What is Constructive Algebra?

"The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers" - Richard W. Hamming (1962).

Classical vs. constructive approach.

Constructive Mathematics:

  • Focus on computation.
  • Deeper understanding through construction.
  • Explicit procedures and algorithms.
  • Link between abstract mathematics and practical applications.
Illustrating Mathematics, 05.02.2025

Structure of the talk

  • What was the seminar about?

  • Mathematical content.

  • Lean implementation.

  • The game infrastructure.

  • Your turn: Let us play the game!

Illustrating Mathematics, 05.02.2025

What was the seminar about?

  • Constructive Algebra.

  • Our topics:

    • Basic algebraic structures.
    • Rings and modules.
    • Divisibility in discrete domains.
    • Principal ideal domains.
  • Proof visualisation: Lean 4.

  • Implementing our proofs into our own Lean Game.

Illustrating Mathematics, 05.02.2025

An example from our talks

Theorem: Each matrix over a PID is equivalent to a Matrix in Smith Normal Form.

Proof: It suffices to treat the case of a diagonal matrix. Let .

  • Bézout's identity: .

  • Corner element divides all of the remaining elements.
  • Repeat for the size of .
Illustrating Mathematics, 05.02.2025

Mathematical content of the game

Illustrating Mathematics, 05.02.2025
Mathematical content of the game


A monoid is a -tuple such that:

  • is a set.

  • is a function.

  • ( is an element of ).

  • is a proof that is associative: .

  • is a proof that is a neutral element: .

Illustrating Mathematics, 05.02.2025
Mathematical content of the game


A group is a monoid equipped with a proof that every element in has an inverse element: such that .

Illustrating Mathematics, 05.02.2025
Mathematical content of the game

Units in a monoid

Let be a monoid.

  • The element is invertible if such that .

  • The set of units of is formed of all elements where:

    • ,
    • is a proof that ,
    • is a proof that .
Illustrating Mathematics, 05.02.2025
Mathematical content of the game

The group of units

Theorem. The set of units of a monoid carries a group structure.

Let be a monoid. Then is a group, where:

  • where z is a proof that .
  • is the function

Illustrating Mathematics, 05.02.2025
Mathematical content of the game

Cancellation monoid

A monoid is a cancellation monoid if:

  • is commutative, meaning that , .
  • has left cancellation, meaning that , if then in .
Illustrating Mathematics, 05.02.2025
Mathematical content of the game


  • Given a monoid , an element is called a unit if there exists such that .

  • We say that is not a unit if it can be proved that ( is a unit) .

Illustrating Mathematics, 05.02.2025
Mathematical content of the game


  • Divides. In a monoid, for all , we say that ( divides ) if such that .

  • Irreducible. In a cancellation monoid, an element is called irreducible if it is not a unit and, whenever . then a is a unit or b is a unit.

  • Prime. In a cancellation monoid, an element , is called prime if it is not a unit and, whenever , then or .

Illustrating Mathematics, 05.02.2025
Mathematical content of the game

Theorem: Prime elements are irreducible

In a cancellation monoid, let be a prime element. Then is irreducible.

Illustrating Mathematics, 05.02.2025
Mathematical content of the game

Other possible worlds for the game

  • Decidable equality implies that denial inequality is a tight apartness.

  • Let be a discrete commutative ring. Then every polynomial has a degree.

  • In the real numbers it holds: ( is a unit) and ( is a unit) .

Illustrating Mathematics, 05.02.2025
Mathematical content of the game

Lean implementation

Illustrating Mathematics, 05.02.2025
Lean implementation

What is Lean?

  • Traditional mathematics: Other people will confirm if your proof is correct.

  • Problem: Needs time, effort and people who are willing to check your proof.

  • Solution: Take your proof and write it in a proof assistant to see if it is correct.

  • Lean: Programming language with strong type checking capabilities, making it possibile to use it as a proof assistant.

  • Seminar: We formalised the definition of monoids, units, groups as well as prime and irreducible elements.

Illustrating Mathematics, 05.02.2025
Lean implementation

Some important built-in tactics

  • Simplify your life, use simp.

  • Sometimes your goal is near, it is exact.

  • What do I want to prove? intro your assumptions.

Illustrating Mathematics, 05.02.2025
Lean implementation

The type of units

structure Monoid where   -- Implementation: 5-tuple ("set", multiplication, 1, associativity, neutral property)
  carrier      : Type
  op           : carrier → carrier → carrier
  neutral_elt  : carrier
  op_assoc     : ∀ a b c : carrier, op (op a b) c = op a (op b c)
  neutral_ppty : ∀ a : carrier, op one a = a ∧ op a one = a

structure InvElts (M : Monoid) : Type 0 where    -- Triple (element, inverse, property of inverse)
  elt   : M.carrier
  inv   : M.carrier
  isInv : M.op elt inv = M.neutral_elt ∧ M.op inv elt = M.neutral_elt

def invMap (M : Monoid) : InvElts MInvElts M :=    -- sends an element in InvElts to its "inverse"
  fun ⟨x, y, p⟩ ↦ ⟨y, x, by constructor; exact p.2; exact p.1-- we need to construct  the third term
  -- which is a proof of the proposition `M.op y x = M.neutral_elt  ∧ M.op x y = M.neutral_elt`
Illustrating Mathematics, 05.02.2025
Lean implementation

Primes and irreducibles

--definition unit
def unit (n : Nat) : Prop :=
  ∃ m : Nat, m * n = 1 ∧ n * m = 1

--definition irreducible
def irred (n : Nat) : Prop :=
  ∀ a b : Nat, n = a * b → unit a ∨ unit b

-- definition prime
def prime (p : Nat) : Prop :=
  (∀ a b : Nat, p ∣ (a * b) → p ∣ a ∨ p ∣ b) ∧ (0 < p)
Illustrating Mathematics, 05.02.2025
Lean implementation

Prime implies irreducible

Let us look at the code.

Illustrating Mathematics, 05.02.2025
The game infrastructure

The game infrastructure

Illustrating Mathematics, 05.02.2025
The game infrastructure

Your turn: Let us play the game!

Illustrating Mathematics, 05.02.2025