Divisibility in discrete domains

1. Divisibility in cancellation monoids

HEGL Illustrating Mathematics Seminar

Winter Semester 2024-2025

by Sarah Gramlich

1. Divisibility in cancellation monoids

Cancellation monoid

A commutative monoid is called a cancellation monoid if . So there are no different and with .

Example: If is a discrete integral domain, then the set of nonzero elements of forms a discrete cancellation monoid.

Divisibility in discrete domains
1. Divisibility in cancellation monoids


If and are elements of a cancellation monoid , then we say that divides , and write , if there exists such that .

Divisibility in discrete domains
1. Divisibility in cancellation monoids


For , and are called associates, written , if each divides the other.

Divisibility in discrete domains
1. Divisibility in cancellation monoids

GCD greatest common divisor

is a GCD() if and and for each :

and then

relatively prime: GCD()=1

Divisibility in discrete domains
1. Divisibility in cancellation monoids


-GCD-monoid: a cancellation monoid where each pair of elements has a GCD

-GCD-domain: a discrete domain where nonzero elements form a GCD-monoid

Divisibility in discrete domains
1. Divisibility in cancellation monoids

Theorem 1.1

, is GCD-monoid


i) GCD(GCD()= GCD(,GCD())

ii) ×GCD()=GCD()

iii) if =GCD() then GCD()=GCD()

iv) if and GCD()=1 then

Divisibility in discrete domains
1. Divisibility in cancellation monoids


A nonunit of a cancellation monoid is irreducible if whenever , then either or is a unit.

Divisibility in discrete domains
1. Divisibility in cancellation monoids


A nonunit is prime if whenever , then or .

Divisibility in discrete domains
1. Divisibility in cancellation monoids

Lemma 1

Each irreducible element in a GCD-monoid is prime.

Divisibility in discrete domains
1. Divisibility in cancellation monoids


cancellation monoid

  • is bounded by n, if with , then is a unit for some
  • is bounded, if it is bounded by n for some
  • is bounded if all are bounded
  • a discrete domain is bounded if the nonzero elements form a bounded monoid
Divisibility in discrete domains
1. Divisibility in cancellation monoids

Principal ideal

A principal ideal of a commutative monoid is a subset of such that { } for some in

Divisibility in discrete domains
1. Divisibility in cancellation monoids

Lemma 2

is a GCD-monoid, satisfying the divisor chain condition and are pairwise relatively prime elements of .
If we can construct :


ii) j then exists :

iii) and are relatively prime for j= 1, 2,...,

Divisibility in discrete domains
1. Divisibility in cancellation monoids


are elements of a GCD-monoid satisfying the divisor chain condition, then a family of pairwise relatively prime elements of , such that each is associate of a product of elements of .

Divisibility in discrete domains

Divisibility in discrete domains

2. UFD's and Bézout domains

HEGL Illustrating Mathematics Seminar
Winter Semester 2024-2025

Heide Frank
Heidelberg University

2. UFD's and Bézout domains

Definition 2.1

a) unique factorization domain (UFD)

  • Discrete domain
  • Each 0 is a unit or has an essentially unique factorization into irreducible elements:

                and we can reindex so that ~

b) We say that R is factorial if is a UFD

Divisibility in discrete domains
2. UFD's and Bézout domains


  • A UFD has recognizable units ( is decidable)
  • is UFD is factorial


  • discrete fields
Divisibility in discrete domains
2. UFD's and Bézout domains

Theorem 2.2

Let be a discret domain.

  1. If is factorial, then is a UFD
  2. If is a UFD, then is a bounded GCD-domain
  3. If is a bounded GCD-domain, then is a quasi-UFD

In other words:
is factorial is UFD is bounded GCD-domain is quasi-UFD

Divisibility in discrete domains
2. UFD's and Bézout domains

Brouwerian Counterexample 2.3

Let be a binary sequence, the field of rational numbers, , and
Then :

  • is a discrete field is UFD

  • However, we cannot factor into irreducibles over

is UFD is factorial

Divisibility in discrete domains
2. UFD's and Bézout domains

Definition 2.4

A multiplicative submonoid of a commutative ring is called saturated if

Divisibility in discrete domains
2. UFD's and Bézout domains

Theorem 2.5

Let be a discrete domain and a multiplicative submonoid of .

  1. If is a GCD-domain, then so is
  2. If saturated and detachable, then has recognizable units

possible project: proof of 1.

Divisibility in discrete domains
2. UFD's and Bézout domains

Theorem 2.6

Let be a UFD and let be a saturated detachable multiplicative submonoid of .
Then is also a UFD.

Divisibility in discrete domains
2. UFD's and Bézout domains

Corollary 2.7

If is a UFD and is a detachable saturated multiplicative submonoid of .
Then is also a UFD.

possible project?

Divisibility in discrete domains
2. UFD's and Bézout domains

Definition 2.8

  • A Bézout domain is a discrete domain
    such that for each pair of elements there is a pair
    such that & .


  • A principal ideal domain is a Bézout domain which satisfies the divisor chain condition.
Divisibility in discrete domains
2. UFD's and Bézout domains

Theorem 2.9

If is a discrete domain then the following are equivalent:

  1. is a Bézout domain
  2. Every finitely generated ideal in is principal
  3. Every finitely generated ideal in R is principal, and is a GCD-domain

possible project?

Divisibility in discrete domains
2. UFD's and Bézout domains

Corollary 2.10

If is a discrete field then is a bounded principal ideal domain

Divisibility in discrete domains

Divisibility in discrete domains

3. Polynomial Rings

HEGL Illustrating Mathematics Seminar

Winter Semester 2024-2025

by Alina Stock

3. Polynomial Rings


  • a function from nonzero elements of a discrete domain R to the nonnegative integers
  • is a pseudonorm if for, a and b nonzero elements of R with a|b, then either or there exists such that .
divisibility in discrete domains
3. Polynomial Rings

Dedekind-Hasse map

  • a function from nonzero elements of a discrete domain R to the nonnegative integers
  • is a Dedekind-Hasse map if for any nonzero elements a and b of R either a|b, or there exists nonzero r in (a,b) such that
divisibility in discrete domains
3. Polynomial Rings

Euclidian map

  • a function from nonzero elements of a discrete domain R to the nonnegative integers
  • is a euclidean map if for any nonzero elements and b of R either a|b, or there exists nonzero r in R such that a|(b-r) and .
divisibility in discrete domains
3. Polynomial Rings


  • is multiplicative if for all nonzero
  • a multiplicative pseudonorm is called a multiplicative norm.
divisibility in discrete domains
3. Polynomial Rings

Polynomial Rings

divisibility in discrete domains

Definition of content and primitive

  • Let R be a GCD-domain, and let .

  • The GCD of the coefficients of f is called the content of f, denoted by cont(f)

  • If cont(f)=1, then f is said to be primitive.

Sets and logic 16.10.2024

Gauss's lemma

  • Let R be a GCD-domain

  • Let .

  • Then cont(fg)=cont(f)cont(g)

Sets and logic 16.10.2024

Theorem Kronecker 1

If R is an infinite UFD with finitely many units, then so is R[X]. Thus R is factorial.

Sets and logic 16.10.2024

Unique interpolation (II, 5.5)

  • Let be distinct elements of a field K
  • Let be any n+1 elements of K
  • Then there is a unique polynomial of degree at most n such that for all i.
Sets and logic 16.10.2024

Theorem Kronecker 2

If R is a factorial domain, then so is R[X].

Sets and logic 16.10.2024

Lemma (4.2)

  • R a GCD-domain with fraction field K.
  • If , then we can find and primitive such that f=cg.
  • If f= for and primitive , then for some unit .
Sets and logic 16.10.2024

Corollary (4.4)

  • R a GCD-domain with fraction field K, f and g polynomials in R[X]
  • Then f divides g in R[X] if and only if f divides g in K[X] and cont(f) divides cont(g).
Sets and logic 16.10.2024