If and are elements of a cancellation monoid , then we say that divides, and write , if there exists such that .
1. Divisibility in cancellation monoids
For , and are called associates, written , if each divides the other.
1. Divisibility in cancellation monoids
GCD greatest common divisor
is a GCD() if and and for each :
and then
relatively prime: GCD()=1
1. Divisibility in cancellation monoids
-GCD-monoid: a cancellation monoid where each pair of elements has a GCD
-GCD-domain: a discrete domain where nonzero elements form a GCD-monoid
1. Divisibility in cancellation monoids
Theorem 1.1
, is GCD-monoid
i) GCD(GCD()= GCD(,GCD())
ii) ×GCD()=GCD()
iii) if =GCD() then GCD()=GCD()
iv) if and GCD()=1 then
1. Divisibility in cancellation monoids
A nonunit of a cancellation monoid is irreducible if whenever , then either or is a unit.
1. Divisibility in cancellation monoids
A nonunit is prime if whenever , then or .
1. Divisibility in cancellation monoids
Lemma 1
Each irreducible element in a GCD-monoid is prime.
1. Divisibility in cancellation monoids
cancellation monoid
is bounded by n, if with , then is a unit for some
is bounded, if it is bounded by n for some
is bounded if all are bounded
a discrete domain is bounded if the nonzero elements form a bounded monoid
1. Divisibility in cancellation monoids
Principal ideal
A principal ideal of a commutative monoid is a subset of such that { } for some in
1. Divisibility in cancellation monoids
Lemma 2
is a GCD-monoid, satisfying the divisor chain condition and are pairwise relatively prime elements of .
If we can construct :
ii) j then exists :
iii) and are relatively prime for j= 1, 2,...,
1. Divisibility in cancellation monoids
are elements of a GCD-monoid satisfying the divisor chain condition, then a family of pairwise relatively prime elements of , such that each is associate of a product of elements of .